Plan a CFC Event



Events are more important than ever! Whether a virtual event or an onsite gathering, well-done events can: Icon of group giving high fives

  • Give your colleagues the opportunity to hear directly from the charities they support.

  • Increase participation in the campaign.  

  • Give employees opportunities to learn about the CFC.  

  • Motivate campaign workers. 

  • Increase donations for charities. 

  • Boost morale in your workplace.  

  • Make you (the organizer) look like a rock star to your leadership!


Learn more about planning campaign events by reviewing our Event Guide, downloading and reviewing the Events Section in the Campaign Worker Toolkit, and watching the Event Planning video below. Now, more than ever, reaching remote or teleworking employees is essential in hosting an event, so we have highlighted ways to bring some of your favorite events to a virtual platform. 


  • PLAN AHEAD. Give yourself plenty of time. To pull off a successful campaign event, you will need to consider several things (as outlined in this checklist). Planning at least two weeks in advance will help when inviting charities, getting on your leadership’s calendar, reserving a location, and promoting your event so attendance will be high.  

  • INVOLVE CHARITIES. Donors get motivated when they hear directly from charities about the incredible impact CFC donations have on the lives of people in need. Translation? Bring charities to the people! They are the heart of the CFC, after all. Complete the Charity Request Form to let us know you want to invite charities to your event.

Icon of mouse over "go virtual" textShare videos from the Virtual Charity Fair at your next gathering, or let a charity kick off your next meeting with a live facilities tour!

  • GET LEADERSHIP ENDORSEMENT. Aim to get your leadership’s endorsement and attendance for and at the event. Use one of our communication templates to craft the perfect invite, and ask someone from leadership to send it along. People are more likely to attend an event when they know their boss will be there, which turns into a higher donation potential – it’s a win-win! See the Leadership Section in the Campaign Worker Toolkit for more ideas!  

Icon of mouse over "go virtual" textRecord your leadership’s endorsement or statement to share with coworkers via email or your intranet.  

  • ENCOURAGE DONATIONS. While your event can’t be a cash fundraiser, there are still ways to raise funds for CFC charities through your event. Distribute our How to Give card to everyone who attends your event - printed for a live event or via email for a virtual event – so they have easy giving instructions. Consider using the CFC Giving Mobile App at your events or have paper pledges printed for in-person events. 

  • CHOOSE YOUR LOCATION OR PLATFORM. Selecting your event location or platform is a crucial step in hosting your campaign event. There are multiple options for event hosting, including (but not limited to) onsite locations like cafeterias and conference rooms, video conferencing platforms, social media sites, and much more! Choose a location or platform that works best for your agency. Feel free to get creative! 

  • PUBLICIZE YOUR EVENT DETAILS. Promote the event through announcements, flyers, emails, newsletters, splash screens, social media, websites, intranets, bulletin boards, and word of mouth. Contact your local public affairs office or radio station for event coverage. 

  • CAPTURE THE MOMENT. Don’t forget your camera (or phone)! Sharing pictures and videos of CFC events is a great way to promote the creative ways your agency is implementing the campaign. Consider getting your local public affairs involved and invite your agency photographer. Hosting a virtual event?  

Icon of mouse over "go virtual" text

You can screen capture or record the event to share your activity! Submitting your idea or event for a local zone award? These visuals are a great way to illustrate your creativity!


Watch this short video for tips on how to host a successful CFC event. Read the campaign video transcript here.